By Ryan Pearson
In a world where man has negatively
impacted so many facets of the natural environment just to feed the planets
vast human population, I pose the question “How is it justifiable to decimate
entire populations of marine species to protect our leisurely pursuits?” Looking
into the future, the rapidly expanding human population is likely to have more
and more seemingly unavoidable impacts on natural systems through things like climate
change, over-fishing, eutrophication, and the input of anthropogenic pollutants
(Ricel and Garcia, 2011). It is clear that many necessary human endeavours will have
some significant negative impacts, with potentially dire repercussions for the
state of the entire planet. Research indicates that by 2050, a 50% increase in
fishery production from 2011 levels will be required just to feed the human
population (Ricel and Garcia, 2011). This is a figure that many agree the oceans
simply can’t hope to support. Despite a general awareness of these impacts,
humans often campaign for and implement further destructive mechanisms that are
not necessary for the survival of our species, but may have dire consequences
for others. Shark control programs are one such example.
In order to protect surfers, swimmers
and other recreational beach users from the risk of shark attack, many nations and
states have implemented indiscriminate control mechanisms such as shark nets
and baited drum lines (Dudley, 1997).
These devices usually have a much wider ecological impact than their simple
designation to exclude man-eating sharks.
While on face value, the raw
statistics suggest these control methods may be effective in preventing shark
attacks, the truth of their impact may be less black and white. Regardless, the
amount and type of non-target bycatch caught in shark nets has the potential to
be devastating from both an ecological, and an economic standpoint.
As for shark attacks themselves,
the number of fatal attacks has increased over the past 20 years, and yet in
Australia still averages only 1.1 fatalities annually (West, 2011).
So, when worldwide shark attack occurrences number in their tens annually, by
what rights do we have the ability to indiscriminately destroy thousands of
marine animals just to offer humans a chance to feel safer while swimming? This
review aims to investigate the impacts and perceived benefits of shark control programs,
and determine if these benefits outweigh their ecological impacts. So, let’s
take a closer look…
Shark Control Methods
The goal of shark control methods
is to protect people using coastal areas from the risk of shark attack by
decreasing the number of large, potentially dangerous sharks in the area. Along
with this comes the peace of mind of tourists, often with the pretence that
shark nets completely exclude sharks from their chosen swimming beach. As you
will see shortly, this is not the case, and in fact, some of these shark
control methods actually attract sharks to the area through direct baiting, or
the attractant effect of dead animals caught in shark nets. The main methods
that are used commonly are shark nets (or meshing), and baited drum lines. I
will also explore potential new methods utilising magnetic fields and electric
currents to deter sharks.
Shark Nets
The first and most infamous example
of shark control methods are shark nets. These nets are hanging meshing
(usually 150- 200m long) suspended from a series of surface buoys which are
placed at popular beaches approximately 200m from shore (Figure 1).
They generally extend from the surface down to about 3-6m depth (Figure 1),
with the seafloor depth at low tide ranging between 6-12m (Taylor et al., 2011). The key feature of these nets is the large
(often 500-600mm) mesh size, which is designed to allow small organisms to pass
right through while entangling larger individuals (Reid and Krogh, 1992). As you can see, shark nets
do not enclose beaches completely excluding sharks from swimming areas. Shark
meshing simply forms a partial physical barrier and as a result a large
proportion of animals caught (~35%) in shark meshing programs are found on the
inner (shoreward) side of the net (Dudley, 1997).
Figure 1. General shark net design (ABC, 2012).
Let’s have a look at effectiveness
of shark meshing in the goal of reducing the number of large, potentially
dangerous sharks in the area. One study, by Dudley and Simpfendorfer (2006), looking at total shark net catch
from 1978-2003 in South Africa suggests that the catch rate of the three shark species
considered most dangerous (tiger sharks
(Carcharhinus leucas), bull sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier), and great white
sharks (Carcharadon carcharias))
accounted for only 11.1% of the total shark catch (Table 1).
On the other hand, the Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias
taurus) accounts for 16.7% on its own (Table 1).
This is a shark species which is known to be harmless and is listed as
vulnerable on the IUCN red list (IUCN, 2012).
1. Mean annual catch of shark species
in shark nets off the KwaZulu-Natal coast between 1978-2003 (Dudley and Simpfendorfer, 2006).
Catch 1978-2003
Mean #
of individuals
Carcharhinus ambionensis
Carcharhinus brachyurus
Carcharhinus brevipinna
Carcharhinus leucas*
Carcharhinus limbatus
Carcharhinus obscurus
Carcharhinus plumbeus
Carcharhinus taurus
Carcharodon carcharias*
Galeocerdo cuvier*
Isurus oxyrinchus
Sphyrna lewini
Sphyrna mokarran
Sphyrna zygaena
'dangerous' species
Baited Drum Lines
Baited drum lines are another key
tool in shark control programs. The design of these structures includes a
surface float which is anchored to the bottom, and has another (~2m) rope/chain
extending from the float to a large baited hook (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Baited drum line design for use in
Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa (Dudley et al., 1998).
Capture statistics suggest that the
structure of animal assemblages caught on baited hooks is considerably
different to those caught in the shark nets (Dudley et al., 1998). The non-shark bycatch is generally greatly
reduced with baited hooks, though the size class of the sharks caught is much
less discriminating (Dudley et al., 1998). In one study by Dudley et al. (1998) in La Mercy, South Africa, the most caught
animal on drum lines were juvenile dusky sharks (Carcharhinus obscurus) with a median pre-caudal length of 75.4cm (Dudley et al., 1998). These sharks accounted for 87% of the catch (Dudley et al., 1998), would likely have been too small to become
entangled in shark nets, and were clearly not big enough to be man-eaters. When
looking at the more ‘dangerous’ species, the results remain hazy as to how
effective drum lines are at achieving their goal compared to shark nets. Only the
tiger sharks, which accounted for 4.6% of the catch, were larger than those
caught in the nets, while the average size of the bull sharks (3.4% of catch)
were considerably smaller (Dudley et al., 1998).
Other Control Methods
Other more novel Shark control methods
have been also suggested and tested, including the use of magnetic (O'Connell et al., 2011) and electric shark barriers (Smith, 1991).
Both of these methods are non-lethal options for shark control and have shown
some promise in testing, with both triggering avoidance behaviour in
elasmobranchs, but are yet to be widely utilised.
Effectiveness in reducing shark attacks
If we look purely at the shark
attack numbers, the shark control programs in QLD, NSW, and South Africa all
seem to be resounding successes. In NSW, shark meshing was introduced in
Newcastle in 1949. This resulted in total attack rates dropping from approximately
0.35 per year without netting, to 0.04 per year following implementation, until
1997 (Dudley, 1997).
In Sydney there is a similar story with total attacks dropping from 0.46 per
year, to 0.03 following implementation. Looking purely at fatal attacks in QLD,
in the 28 years between the 1962 implementation and the study by Paterson (1990), there
was only one reported shark fatality (0.036 p.a.), which tells a similar story
to NSW when compared to the pre-implementation numbers. In the 44 years from
1918 to implementation, there were 26 fatal attacks (0.591 p.a.) in the same
waters (Paterson, 1990).
However, these QLD numbers are
based purely on fatal attacks, which is arguably a biased parameter when
considering our advances in medicine. Ultimately, due simply to medical and technological
advancements, victims are more likely to survive now when compared to 1919. Therefore,
I propose that fatal shark attacks may not be the best measure of effectiveness
and total attacks offer a much better representation. Furthermore, the actual numbers of attacks appear
to be in contention and when looking at total attacks in QLD, the results are
far less impressive. Dudley (1997)
reports 27 fatal from 49 total attacks between 1919 and 1962 (1.14 p.a.), and 9
fatal from 39 total attacks in the 35 years following implementation (1.11 p.a.).
Clearly these numbers suggest there has been minimal effect by the shark
control program in QLD.
Another factor to consider is the
presence or absence of potential shark attractants to an area. For example,
when looking at the QLD numbers, pre-implementation a local abattoir was
discharging animal waste into the water at Townsville, a place where 9 fatal
attacks occurred from 1919 to implementation in 1962 (Dudley, 1997).
This potential food source and shark attractant has not existed since shark
control programs began in 1962 (Dudley, 1997).
Similarly, pre-implementation, whaling was still occurring on the Gold Coast,
which may have had an effect on the feeding patterns of sharks (Dudley, 1997).
When considering the effectiveness
of reducing shark attacks, it is also important to take population comparisons.
Over the past century the human population has increased dramatically, while
shark numbers have been subject to enormous declines in the last 30 years
alone. These changing populations are sure to have some impact on the base
number of encounters between people and sharks, which is really the only way an
attack can occur. But how has it changed this dynamic? Some would argue that an
increased human population and with it, increased swimmers and surfers in the
water increases the chance of attack. However, one study looking at the effect
of humans in the water with sharks, may suggest otherwise.
Ritter and Amin (2012), investigated the presence of
human swimmers and their effect on the behaviour of large bull sharks – a
species believed responsible for a number of shark attacks. It was found that when
a human entered the water, large bull sharks left the area almost immediately (Ritter and Amin, 2012). Furthermore, it was
suggested that body position in the water was correlated to how close the
sharks were willing to come to a swimmer (Ritter and Amin, 2012). It was found that when
presented with a vertical body position (with the persons head out of the
water), large bull sharks were much less likely to approach than when the
swimmer was laying on the bottom (Ritter and Amin, 2012).
Now, based on these findings, it
could be hypothesised that simply by virtue of being popular, tourist beaches
would be likely drive sharks away due to the presence of many humans in upright
positions in the water. Another study suggests that a recent rise in shark
attacks, may be due to “people accessing previously isolated coastal areas” (West, 2011).
Anecdotal evidence suggests that many shark attacks in recent years have
occurred in remote locations, usually at dusk or dawn - times with the fewest
people in the water. Taking this a step further, it seems to me that the beaches
that are protected by shark nets (popular tourist beaches), are the very
beaches that probably need the protection the least.
Other factors to consider are the
shark populations themselves. Excluding the mandate of shark control programs
to reduce the number of large, potentially dangerous sharks near swimming
beaches, shark populations are under enormous threat from all directions. Fishing
(and associated bycatch), pollution, habitat degradation, and climate change
are among the most notable threats (Simpfendorfer et al., 2011). It has further been
suggested that shark populations subject to commercial fishing exploitation
generally experience a decline in the abundance of large size classes (Stevens et al., 2000), a phenomenon which appears
to be achieving the shark control programs goals incidentally.
In large part, due to these other
threats, shark numbers in the last 30 years are estimated to have reduced by
70-90% (Stevens et al., 2000). Declining shark populations
can be observed by comparing the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of many fisheries
throughout the world. An example of this can be seen in the declining shark
catch rates in the NSW shark meshing program despite constant CPUE over the
past 20 years (Figure
Figure 3. NSW Shark meshing program
statistics showing (a) number of meshing days per year, and; (b) total sharks caught per 100 meshing days (Reid et al., 2011).
Bycatch in Shark Nets
When looking at this issue, there
are really two types of bycatch – non-shark bycatch, and bycatch of sharks that
don’t pose a threat to human safety. It is a common sight on news programs in
Australia to see whales entangled in shark nets. When this occurs there are
generally two outcomes, the whales drown or humans risk their lives and considerable
expenditure to go out there and save the whale. These are high profile
incidents that help to raise awareness as to the negative impact shark nets can
have on non-target species, but there are many more species that regularly get
caught up and drown in these same nets without the same level of coverage. Like
the humpback whales seen on the news, many of these other bycatch species are
protected or endangered. In QLD and NSW shark nets, bycatch includes whales,
dolphins, dugongs, turtles (green, loggerhead, leatherback), and teleosts,
along with rays (bluespotted, shovelnose, manta, eagle, cownose) which are the
most represented group in the nets (Gribble et al., 1998, Dudley, 1997, Krogh and Reid, 1996).
Looking at the Gold Coast Shark Nets between 2000-2008, the numbers suggest
bycatch accounts for a significant portion of total catch. For example, 445 non-shark
individuals were recorded in the nets (Table 2),
compared to 426 shark (OESR, 2012).
Using these numbers, we have an estimated bycatch rate of 51.1%, but if we take
into consideration the number of sharks that were caught that were over 2m in
length (and therefore, potentially dangerous), the total comes to only 162,
making the bycatch rate 81.4% (OESR, 2012).
2. Breakdown of non-shark species
caught in shark nets on the Gold Coast 2000-2008 (RSN, 2008)
Individuals Caught
Ridley Turtle
In conclusion, there is no doubt
that shark control methods are quite effective at catching and killing sharks,
but, the evidence that suggests they are effective in preventing shark attacks
is questionable at best. To the casual observer, it may appear that shark nets
and baited drum lines are the perfect attack prevention solution, but when
digging deeper it becomes clear that the issue is a difficult one. Many factors
are unknown, or have not been explored fully, such as the impact of terrestrial
and marine based shark attractants, overfishing, and human population growth.
But regardless of the effectiveness, the debate still stands. How many marine
animals is it ok for us to kill to help us feel safe and protect our lifestyle?
Bycatch in shark nets can have
devastating impacts on the ecology of numerous harmless and threatened species.
Furthermore, the devastating impact we already have on shark populations means
they are already less effective in their role as apex predators, and we may be
on the way to removing their existence completely. If that were to happen, the
possible impacts on human and environmental health are highly debated, but most
agree the consequences could be dire.
The number of shark attacks
worldwide pales in comparison to the damage caused by many other activities
that are deemed ‘safe’ in human eyes. It
seems that in order to protect a handful of human lives a year, we are further
risking the greater good, and potentially the lives of many more humans and
non-humans should ecosystems collapse. So, once again I pose the question “How
is it justifiable to decimate entire populations of marine species to protect
our leisurely pursuits?” My answer: It isn’t. What’s yours?
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